Friday, April 26, 2024

Unit 2: Cultural Diversity – C. Listening

Before you listen (Trước khi bạn nghe)

– Work with a partner. Disscuss the following questions. (Làm việc với bạn học. Thảo luận các câu hỏi sau.)

1. Have you ever attended a wedding ceremony? (Bạn đã từng tham dự một lễ cưới bao giờ chưa?)

=> Yes, I have.

2. What do the bride and the groom usually do at the wedding ceremony? (Cô dâu và chú rể thường làm gì trong lễ cưới?)

=> The bride and the groom usually stand in front of their ancestors’ altar praying and asking them to bless their love and they wear rings and other jewelry to each other. Afterwards, the bride’s and the groom’s parents and relatives give them presents or jewels. At the end, they have a party either at home or at a restaurant.

– Listen and repeat.

altar: bàn thờ groom: chú rể tray: khay, tráp
Master of Ceremony: người dẫn chương trình bride: cô dâu schedule: lịch trình
banquet: tiệc ancestor: tổ tiên blessing: lời chúc phúc

Ghi chú: Master of Ceremony còn được viết tắt là MC, đọc là “em si”.

While you listen (Trong khi bạn nghe)

Task 1. Listen to the passage and fill in the missing information. (Lắng nghe đoạn văn và điền thông tin còn thiếu.)

1. the groom’s parents 2. red papers 3. altar
4. at the wedding banquet 5. wedding cards / money

Task 2. Listen again and answer the questions. (Nghe lại và trả lời các câu hỏi.)

1. What is the most important thing the groom’s family has to do on the wedding day? (Điều quan trọng nhất mà gia đình chú rể phải làm trong ngày cưới là gì?)

=> The most important thing the groom’s family has to do on the wedding day is to go to the bride’s house bringing a lot of gifts wrapped in red papers.

2. What would the groom and the bride usually do during the wedding ceremony? (Chú rể và cô dâu sẽ thường làm gì trong suốt buổi lễ cưới?)

=> They would pray, asking their ancestors’ permission to be married.

3. When do the groom and the bride exchange their wedding rings? (Khi nào cô dâu và chú rể trao nhẫn đính hôn?)

=> After they pray and ask their ancestors’ permission to be married.

4. Where is the wedding banquet usually held? (Tiệc cưới thường được tổ chức ở đâu?)

=> The wedding banquet is often scheduled at the groom and bride’s home or at a hotel or a restaurant.

5. What do the groom, the bride and their parents do at the wedding banquest? (Chú rể, cô dâu và gia đình họ làm gì ở tiệc cưới?)

=> They stop by each table to say thank to their guests.

After you listen (Sau khi bạn nghe)

Work in groups. Discuss the question: What do families often do to prepare for a wedding ceremony? (Làm việc nhóm. Thảo luận câu hỏi: Các gia đình thường làm gì để chuẩn bị cho lễ cưới?)

Gợi ý:

A: The wedding ceremony is a very important occasion to every Vietnamese family. In your opinion, What should they do to prepare for a wedding ceremony?

B: Well. As I know, both families must decorate their houses, especially the family altars. All things must be clean or new, and gorgeous!

C: Next they send letters of invitation to relatives, friends and neighbours, usually ten days before. To the people who live nearby, they must come to invite them in person.

A: Simultaneously, they have to make a reservation at a restaurant for the wedding reception, or do all things necessary for it.

C: And the most important thing the groom’s parents must do is they must prepare all things, for example jewels, money, presents, for the wedding day.

D: Besides, the groom’s parents should choose the people who will accompany the groom – bringing the trays of gifts – to go to the bride’s house.

Tapescript – Nội dung bài nghe

Tourist: Can you tell me something about the wedding ceremony in Vietnam?

Tourist guide: Well, wedding is very important to the Vietnamese, not only to the couple involved, but also for both families. The wedding day is usually chosen carefully by the groom’s parents.

Tourist: What does the groom’s family usually do on the wedding day?

Tourist guide: On the wedding day, the groom’s family and relatives go to the bride’s house bringing a lot of gifts wrapped in red papers. Those who hold the trays of gifts are also carefully chosen, they are usually happily married couples.

Tourist: Do you have the Master of the Ceremony? And what does he do during the wedding ceremony?

Tourist guide: The Master of the Ceremony introduces the groom, the bride, the parents, the relatives and guests of the two families. The wedding ceremony starts in front of the altar. The bride and the groom would pray, asking their ancestors’ permission to be married. The Master of the Ceremony would gave the wedding couple advice on starting a new family. The groom and the bride then exchange their wedding rings.

Tourist: Where is the wedding banquet held?

Tourist guide: Well, it depends. Often the wedding banquet is scheduled at the groom and bride’s home or at a hotel or a restaurant and all close relatives, friends, and neighbours are invited.

Tourist: What kind of food and drinks are served?

Tourist guide: Traditional food and beer or wine are served. During the reception, the groom, bride, and their parents will stop by each table to say thank to their guests. The guests in return, will give envelopes containing wedding cards and money gifts to the newly wedded couples along with their blessing.

Tourist: Oh. That’s very interesting. Thank you.

Tourist guide: You are welcome!




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