Friday, April 19, 2024

Unit 9: Cities of the future – Listening

1. Discuss with a partner. (Thảo luận với bạn bên cạnh.)

All these problems currently exist in big cities in Viet Nam like Ha Noi and Ho Chi Minh City.

It’s likely that many of them will be solved in the next twenty years, as local authorities are taking measures to deal with them step by step.

2. Listen to a talk on predictions about our future citics. Underline the words or phrases that you hear. (Hãy nghe cuộc nói chuyện nói về những dự đoán về những thành phố tương lai của chúng ta. Gạch dưới những từ / cụm từ em nghe được.)

a. pessimistic b. optimistic d. global warming e. overcrowded h. available

3. Listen again. Decide which of the following predictions will come true (T) and which will not (NT), according to the two kinds of viewpoints. Tick the correct box. (Nghe lại lần nữa và xem thử những dự đoán dưới đây sẽ trở thành sự thật (T) hay không theo hai loại quan điểm trong đoạn băng. Đánh dấu chọn ô đúng.)

1. T 2. NT 3. NT 4. T 5. T 6. T 7. NT

4. Listen again and complete the summaries of the two viewpoints. (Nghe lại đoạn băng và hoàn thành bản tóm tắt theo hai quan điểm.)

1. healthy, effective, overcrowded, heavier.

2. medicine. Renewable, fossil.

5. Which viewpoint do vou agree with, the optimistic or pessimistic? Provide your reasons. (Em đồng ý với quan điểm nào — lạc quan hay bi quan? Hãy đưa ra lý do.)

Audio Script:

People have very different opinions about the cities of the futureỂ Those who are pessimistic think that’s our cities will become more and more polluted, so they will no longer be safe and healthy places to live in. Pessimists point out that both global warmine and pollution have increased rapidly over the past twenty years, but governments have no effective ways to control themẵ There are no signs that this problem will be solved in the future. In addition, more and more people are leaving the countryside and moving to big cities to look for workỗ As a result, cities will become overcrowded. This means there will be more people, more waste and heavier traffice. All these factors will lead to more pollution.

On the other hand, optimistic people believe that city dwellers will have a better life thanks to important achievements in technology and medicine. Modern machines and well-equipped hospitals in cities will provide better, quicker and more effective treatment for people. How about environmental problems? Optimists also think that scientists will find ways to cut down the cost of renewable energy sources and make them available to everybody. They hope that these energy sources will step by step replace fossil fuels such as gas, coal and oil in the next twenty years. Then city dwellers will live in a cleaner and healthier environment.




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