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Đề kiểm tra 15 phút Tiếng Anh 11 Unit 1- Unit 2 (Đề 1)

Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest:

1. a. machine    b. change    c. teacher    d. choose

2. a. condition    b. option    c. suggestion    d. relation

Choose the one word or phrase – a, b, c, or d – that best completes the sentences or substitutes for the underlined word or phrase:

3. It was so relaxing to be ________ close friends.

a. in    b. between    c. among    d. around

4. She’s made friends ________ a little girl who lives next door.

a. to    b. of    c. by    d. with

5. The children seem to be totally capable ________ working by themselves.

a. on    b. of    c. in    d. for

6. Your friendship should be based on ________ trust.

a. basic    b. fragile

c. mutual    d. blind

7. The company expects ________ from its employees.

a. constancy    b. quality

c. interest    d. loyalty

8. I’ve got lots of ________, but only a few are really good friends

a. close friends    b. acquaintances

c. neighbors    d. partners

9. Friendship is a two-sided ________, it lives by give-and-take.

a. affair    b. event

c. aspect    d. feature

10. Unselfishness is the very essence of friendship.

a. romantic part    b. important part

c. difficult part    d. interesting part

Complete each of these sentences with a suitable preposition:

11. She pointed ____ the dog when it ran toward her.

12. Are you interested ____ practicing speaking English?

13. You should have more confidence ____ your own abilities.

14. The fire started in the kitchen because he forgot to turn the light ___ .

15. My parents gave me a bicycle ___ my birthday.

Đáp án

Câu Hướng dẫn Câu Hướng dẫn Câu Hướng dẫn
1. a /ʃ/, còn lại: /tʃ/ 6. c mutual trust: sự tin tưởng lẫn nhau 11. to point (to): chỉ, hướng về
2. c /tʃ/, còn lại: /ʃ/ 7. d 12. in have confidence in: tin tưởng vào …
3. c among: ở giữa 8. b acquaintance: người quen 13. in
4. d make friends with sb: kết bạn với ai 9. a affair: chuyện, vấn đề 14. off turn off: tắt
5. b be capable of V-ing 10. b 15. on




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